Information On What A Mobility Scooters Is

Information On What A Mobility Scooters Is
The first mobility scooter was built and created by Allan R. Thieme in 1968. Thieme was given the idea to try to help a family member that was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. His first functional scooter was a front wheel drive model that he built at his home. He dubbed it the Amigo and it became the start of something big.

The mobility scooter is now a great way for people who cannot walk easily to get around. It is easy to use and affordable for anyone who needs it. The scooter has a seat that sits over two wheels. There is a small flat area on the bottom where you place your feet and handlebars in the front that help you manoeuvre. Because the front of the scooter is blocked by the handlebars the seats can swivel in order to make it easier for you to sit in.

Most mobility scooters run off of batteries. One or sometimes two batteries are kept on the scooter and can be charged through a separate battery charger unit. Sometimes the unit may be attached to the scooter. There are a few scooters powered by gasoline – but many of them have been replaced with the electric scooter models because they are easier to care for.

Driving in one of these mobility scooters is very simple once you have learned where all of the controls are and what they are for. The steering column (also known as the tiller) can be found in the front of the scooter. The tiller has been built with speed controls and reverse/forward directions. You can move around in the scooter through three different options; finger controls, a switch, and thumb paddles. If you have any questions as to how to operate a mobility scooter you should ask the dealer you purchased from.

You will have the option to choose the rear wheel drive or front wheel drive scooters. The front wheel drive scooter is smaller and is more better used inside the house. It can hold up to 250 pounds. The rear wheel drive scooter is slightly larger and can be used both indoors and outdoors. This can hold up to 350 pounds. The heavy duty rear wheel drive model can hold up to 500 pounds or more. This will depend on which manufacturer you purchase from.

There are several manufacturers that build mobility scooters. Two of the best and most popular models to purchase are Lark and Pride mobility scooters. Lark mobility scooters has many models that are affordable and some can be folded when travelling to different places.

Mobility scooters are a substitute to ordinary wheelchairs. In facts they are literally chairs on wheels – but they are motorized and require less effort to operate. It is great for those who have a hard time getting around on their own at home and around the world outside.

To read more on mobility scooters, click here.